Mags: So where did you grow up?
James: I grew up in rural Wiltshire
Mags: Oh!
James: next to a pig farm
Mags: Next to a pig farm?
James: Yeah
Mags: So what was it like growing on, near a pig farm?
James: It was really nice smell
Mags: (laugh)
James: and whenever I go anywhere near, a pig farm I, it just brings me straight back to childhood. It's really nice.
Mags: But most people would hate the smell of pig farms
James: It's erm, it's a surprisingly nice countryside smell, but yeah, I, I grew up in a little (unclear), it's where we lived for the first 8 years of my life, just in a little cottage in the countryside. And then we moved to a smaller, a smallish town, where I spent the next 8 years.
Mags: So which d'you think you prefer; the countryside or the small town?
James: The small town. Erm, it was a market town, and when I moved to the place I live now, er when I first went there I thought wow I, I feel at home here because it was exactly the same sort of size, and erm, almost the s, same shape as the, the town I grew up in. It had a market square, a sort of market cross and so on, and a similar topography as well, so erm, no, I, I'm obviously feel very at home in that sort of size place.
Mags: And what did you like particularly about growing up there?
James: I suppose the cliché is that, you know, everyone knows everyone else, but there was only one secondary school and so all the, all the kids at the school knew everybody else. They all knew who you were and where you were, and I s'ppose it was just a very erm,, a very stable sort of settled kind of place.
Mags: And since then where other, what other place, kinds of places have you lived in; big cities, small..
James: Oh anywhere you can of
Mags: Yeah
James: Is,what, London from when I was 18, and then I've lived abroad in different countries. Erm, mostly cities when I was abroad, erm, but as I say, since I, well for the last 4 years I've lived in a erm, a smallish market town in Yorkshire.
Mags: So that's obviously your preferred location.
James: S'ppose so.