Elaine: That's great. Have you got one?
Karen: I've got two here. The first one is: If you were given a choice between great wisdom and great wealth, which would you choose and why? Erm, it would absolutely be great wealth [Laughs]. Because I'm completely shallow and think that if I had an awful lot of money I'd just be really really happy erm and there's a very very rich person inside this poor body right now.
Aalyia: Princess.
Karen: Exactly. Bit of a princess. Erm and if I was really rich I'd just be really good at it. I'd just I would know how to spend my money well, erm ...
Elaine: What would you spend your money on?
Karen: What would I spend it on? Erm, houses, cars, clothes, shoes, chocolate, wine.
Laura: Family, friends?
Heather: Charity?
Karen: Yeah, I might give a little bit to charity. Erm, yeah all of that kind of thing.
Elaine: Okay, great, okay.
Heather: You're honest.