Health |
045 Roxana Summers (reduced sound quality) |
click to read > 1. Mary: Primary Care Trusts 2. Primary care is the health care provided by your doctor, nurse, dentist, optician or pharmacist. All of these services are managed by a primary care trust, PCT. Each city or area has a PCT. PCTs control 80% of the NHS budget. Your PCT must provide enough services for people within your area. Your PCT must make sure all services are accessible. Your PCT must provide hospitals and dentists in your area. Your PCT must provide opticians and patient transport in your area. Your PCT must provide pharmacies and GPs in your area. 3. Wendy: Can you tell me what's the PCT? 4. Roxana: That is a very good question, yes I agree with you. It stands for Primary Care Trust and it means that we take care of a lot of the services that are delivered in the local area, but they are mainly to do with pharmacists, opticians, dentists and GPs, community nursing teams as well. So we don't really have to deliver services like from the hospital, they are managed from the hospital and also mental health services are delivered by what is called the Mental Health Trust. 5. Wendy: And where do you go to find the opinions of these local people? What kind of places do you go into? 6. Roxana: One of the things. one of the main tasks that I have to do on a yearly basis is the patient survey and that is a survey of people who live in the local area, who are registered with local GPs. As you know, everybody in this country has the right to register with a GP and although there might be repetitions if you wish, but we ask the GPs to provide us with the names and addresses for some patients and we send them a questionnaire and we ask them questions about the quality of the services that we provide. 7. Like I said earlier, the opticians, the dentist, the health visiting service and pharmacists as well, and so we have a very good idea of what people think and feel about the services and we have like an action plan that we draft on a yearly basis so that the next year the services are hopefully better. That's one of the ways and that is if you wish eight hundred and fifty people are selected randomly from across the whole of the patch. So you stand all. everyone stands an equal chance of being selected. It's only people over 18 years of age, so in a way, we need to make a special effort to get the views from people who are younger than. 8. Wendy: Children. 9. Roxana: ...exactly, younger children, yeah. So that's one way of doing it. Also we have a complaints system in the PCT and that feedback is very valuable because it's mistakes and errors that we don't want to be caught doing again. It's another way of getting views from the public and then there's lots of teams in the PCT who do work where they involve members of the public as part of their development. 10. For example, you might have a group of people, a group of nurses working with people with breathing difficulties and they enlist those patients into the group to plan how to deliver better services. Because in a way, the ones who know how best to deliver a service, it's those who are receiving it. So we work from that assumption. 11. Wendy: Okay thank you. |
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