ESOL Leeds 10 (Entry 2 Internet now please) reduced visual quality |
(1) read and listen > Michael: So now we need to give you a username so you can log onto the Internet? Stephen: A username? I'm sorry. I don't understand. Michael: It's a name we can give you so you can access the computer. Stephen: Access? Michael: Okay. Well first maybe I should introduce the mouse and the keyboard. This is the mouse. Stephen: Mouse? Okay. Yes. A mouse. It looks like a remote control. Michael: Well, it is in a way. You have to keep the mouse on the table. Stephen: On the table? Michael: Or even the mouse-mat. Stephen: Okay, this is the mouse-mat. Okay. Michael: Okay. And when you move it you can see on the screen this cursor also moves. Stephen: Cursor? Arrow. Michael: Yes, the cursor, arrow. Stephen: Cursor, arrow. Michael: The same thing. Okay, you need to keep the mouse on the mat. Stephen: Okay, okay. Internet now? Michael: Try moving it. Stephen: The mouse? Michael: Yes. Look. Oh, keep it on the mat. Stephen: Okay. Michael: So move the cursor down here and click. Stephen: Down here? Michael: Yes. Stephen: Erm. Michael: Good. Now press this button. Stephen: This one? Michael: That's right. Good. Stephen: Okay. Good. Button? Michael: Button, yes. Stephen: Okay. Internet now? Michael: Nearly. We're getting there. Now I have to explain the keyboard quickly to you. Stephen: Ah. I play the piano. Michael: This is similar. Stephen: Keyboard. Michael: But here we have the alphabet. Stephen: No black keys. Michael: No. No black keys. Stephen: Like a piano. Michael: No black keys. We have the alphabet here. Stephen: (waves the mouse at the screen again) Michael: Okay, put that down for a minute. So what you need to do is type T-E-M-P on the keyboard. Stephen: T-E-M-P? Michael: That's right. Stephen: But these are all mixed up. It's not the alphabet at all. Michael: Don't worry about that for now. They're just in a good order so you can use them easily. Stephen: It's not a very good order to me, but . This one says QWERTY. Michael: Yes. Stephen: ASDF. And what do I do? BEMP? Michael: TEMP. T-E-M-P. Stephen: Okay, as in temporary? Michael: That's right. Stephen: T-E-M-P-O-R-A . Michael: Oh. Don't worry about the other letters. Let's take them off. Stephen: Oh! What's happened? Username. Michael: Yes. Stephen: Password. So, username? Michael: I'll put your password in. Stephen: Okay, okay. Michael: Okay. So now you can access a website. Stephen: Internet. Internet now. Okay, so . Michael: So if you move the mouse and click here. Stephen: (waves the mouse in front of the screen) Michael: Okay. You need to keep the mouse on the table, remember? On the mat. Stephen: Here? Michael: That's right. Stephen: So, the mouse on the mat? Michael: Yes. Stephen: Cursor? Michael: Yes. Stephen: Keyboard? Michael: Yes, good. Stephen: Power button? Michael: Good. Stephen: Power button? Michael: Okay. Stephen: Button? Michael:,Well done. Stephen: Okay. So Internet now. Michael: Yes, so, if you just click here, and, do you know the BBC? From the television? Stephen: Oh, okay. News. Radio. Archers. Michael: Let's look . at their website. Stephen: Yes, Archers, very good. Er, website? Michael: So this is the BBC website here? Stephen: I'm sorry I don't understand? Website? No, Internet. Not website. Internet. Michael: This is the Internet sir. If you take the mouse you can move around and explore the webpage, okay? Stephen: Erm, could you repeat that please? I want the Internet not a website. Michael: That's right. This is the Internet. |
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