UK Citizenship
Language Levels: beginners = (Entry 1) (Entry 2) (Entry 3); intermediate = (Level 1) (Level 2).
Section 1 videos (What is citizenship?)
001 Joanne Burgess (Entry 3)
002 Teresa Hough (Entry 2)
003 Pat Childs (Entry 2)
004 Roger Harington (Level 1)
005 Roxana Summers (Level 1)
006 Pauline Fernandes (Level 1)
007 Cilla Ross (Level 2)
008 Jacquie Stevenson (Level 2)
009 Inderjeet Hunjan (Level 1)
010 Simon Moran (Entry 2)
011 Marguerite Hogg (Level 2)
012 Richard Corbett (MEP) (Level 1)
013 PC Carole Mumsey (Entry 2)
Section 2 videos (Parliament)
014 Roger Harington (Entry 3)
015 Ann Castle (Entry 2)
016 John Battle MP (Level 1)
Section 3 videos (Geography and History)
017 Abigail Hackett (Entry 3)
018 Annabel Wigner (Entry 2)
019 Cilla Ross (Level 1)
020 Flamingo Land (Entry 1)
021 Geography of the UK (Entry 2)
022 History of English (Level 1)
Section 4 videos (UK as a diverse society)
023 Teresa Hough (Entry 2)
024 Pauline Fernandes (Entry 2)
025 Gerard Godon (Entry 2)
026 John Battle MP (Entry 3)
027 Inderjeet Hunjan (Entry 1)
Section 5 videos (UK in Europe, UN and Commonwealth)
028 Richard Corbett MEP (Level 1)
029 The Commonwealth (Entry 1)
030 Marguerite Hogg (Entry 3)
031 United Nations (Entry 3)
Section 6 videos (Human Rights)
032 Richard Corbett MEP (Level 1)
033 Antonia and Daniella (Entry 3)
034 John Battle MP (Level 1)
035 PC Carole Mumsey (Entry 3)
036 Monira Khan (Entry 2)
037 Declaration of Human Rights (Entry 3)
Section 7 videos (Working in the UK)
038 Helen Tremenheere (Entry 2)
039 Cilla Ross (Entry 3)
040 Simon Moran (Entry 3)
041 PC Carole Mumsey (Entry 3)
042 Patrice Kayo (Entry 2)
Section 8 videos (Health)
043 ESOL tutors (Entry 1)
044 Pat Childs (Entry 1)
045 Roxana Summers (Level 1)
046 Roxana Summers (Level 1)
047 Pauline Fernandes (Entry 2)
Section 9 videos (Housing)
048 Simeon Perry (Entry 2)
049 Gary Start (Entry 2)
050 John Battle MP (Entry 2)
051 Wendy Godden (Entry 2)
052 Monira Khan (Entry 1)
Section 10 videos (Education)
053 Joy Parvin (Entry 3)
054 Joanne Burgess (Entry 2)
055 Pauline Fernandes (Entry 2)
056 Cilla Ross (Entry 3)
057 Jacqui Stevenson (Entry 3)
058 Inderjeet Hunjan (Entry 3)
Section 11 videos (Community Engagement)
059 Roger Harington (Entry 3)
060 Roxana Summers (Entry 2)
061 Pat Childs (Entry 2)
062 Pauline Fernandes (Entry 2)
063 Gerard Godon (Entry 2)
064 Simon Moran (Entry 3)
065 Inderjeet Hunjan (Entry 2)
Section 12 videos (Knowing the law)
066 Monira Khan (Entry 2)
067 Burglary (Level 2)
068 Helen Tremenheere (Entry 2)
069 Drugs (Entry 3)
070 PC Carole Mumsey (Entry 3)
071 Car theft (TWOC) (Entry 3)
072 Claudia John (Entry 3)
073 Age and the law (Entry 1)
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English for Food Hygiene
ESOL Leeds
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
English for Driving Theory
Calling 1: push the button E3+
Calling 2: I've been sick E2+
Calling 3: off to chippie E2+
Calling 4: there's nowt in E1+
Calling 5: ote from market E1+
Calling 6: taking it to me MP E3+
Calling 7: just got home E1+
- Shopping (audio)
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- Leisure (audio)
- Events and topics (audio)
- Weather (audio)
- Health (audio)
- City Landscapes (image galleries)